Introduction. You’re in for a treat this week. Regular Beelistener reader Julian shares his remarkable observations and thoughts on drones…
Introduction. Have you ever thought of writing a children’s book, or maybe even tried to write one? I think that…
Home Owners Use More Pesticides. Did you know that home owners/householders generally use more pesticides per unit of land than…
The unsettled weather over the last few days of the year ranges from still, clear, frosty, and sunny to lashing…
Welcome to New Subscribers. Here we are in June already and my colonies are sorted following swarm control (or so…
The holiday is over and Iām busy getting supers and brood boxes ready for the new season. It is very…
The easiest and most reliable way is to buy a colony, or smaller nucleus (above right), of honey bees from…
Introduction to Solitary & Social Bees. Before we review Laurence Packer’s latest book , I want explain what sociality in…
I’m excited to announce this week’s guest blog on bee vision by the world’s number one bee blogger, Rusty Burlew.…
Introduction. A big warm welcome to Kim Flottum from Medina, Ohio. Kim was the editor of America’s prestigious magazine, BeeCulture,…