Introduction. Hello Everyone and welcome to all you new readers who signed up since last week.I’m sitting here on tenterhooks…
It is cold this week with maximum temperatures expected to be 8-12 degrees C today. Gigantic hail stones tore through…
Introduction. Welcome to all you lovely new subscribers who joined us this month, and thank you to everyone who generously…
Introduction. This week Connie shares her early beekeeping experiences with us. Many readers will remember Connie from the past blogs…
The easiest and most reliable way is to buy a colony, or smaller nucleus (above right), of honey bees from…
August draws to an end and supers around the county groan with the weight of honey. Beekeepers return to the…
It seems at last that those of us in the north are being rewarded with a hot summer after enduring…
Andrew Card (Mac) has kindly contributed to this week’s blog with an account of the swarm control method that works…
After nearly two weeks of continously good weather the bees have filled supers and the OSR fields are now green.…
June arrives in a blaze of sunshine and enough heat to raise the thermometer above 20 degrees C. The nuclei…