Eucryphias for Late Summer/ Autumn Bee-Forage.

Eucryphia glutinosa in Cawdor Castle Gardens.
Cawdor Castle.
One of 3 Flowers on Eucryphia rostrevor in Our Garden, 2019!!
Cawdor Castle’s Splendid Specimen Alive With Pollinators.

From Chile.

This spectacular shrub hails from Chile. E. glutinosa is the hardiest of the available species and is evergreen, or partly so. The large flowers are abundant in August and September with masses of stamens. Shrubs from this species are great value for honey bees providing both pollen and nectar late in our season.


Eucryphia lucida is a small earlier- flowering tree, and is common in Tasmania where leatherwood honey is an important export commodity.

2 thoughts on “Eucryphias for Late Summer/ Autumn Bee-Forage.”

  1. Could you let me know what kind of soil eucryphia like best please. Would fertiliser of some sort help mine to flower next year?

    1. Generally they need an acid soil, just like heather on a grouse moor. They like their roots in a moist shaded part of the garden, but the crown in full sunlight for best flowering. I think that a garden centre should be able to advise on something to increase soil acidity.

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